The arms and flags of the Landkreis Erding (Upper Bavaria)

Links to homepages of the municipalities and to websites about coats-of-arms and flags.

1. Homepages of the municipalities and relevant homepages in the municipalities

Landkreis Erding (County Erding), official Homepage
Landkreis Erding (County Erding), at the site of the Bavarian County Diet
Municipalities and Boundaries in the County Erding (Surveyor's Office)
Pages of the Regional Rifle Club Association
Towns and municipalities in the County Erding (

Homepage of the municipality Berglern

Homepage of the municipality Bockhorn
Homepage of Grünbach
Homepage of the brewery "Schlossbrauerei Grünbach"

Homepage of the municipality Buch am Buchrain (under construction)

Homepage of the town Dorfen
Homepage of the town Dorfen
Dorfen (Civic Net Inn-Isen-Vils)
Dorfen Web Portal
Regional portal Dorfen Region
Förderkreis (promotional association) Dorfen e.V.
Homepage of the Stadtwerke (town works) Dorfen
Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse (Savings Bank) Dorfen
Hitwelle Isental (local radio station)
Homepage of the fishermans' club Isen-Fischer
ESC Dorfen (ice-hockey)
Liedertafel (Choral Society) Dorfen
Flugmodellgruppe (flying model group) Dorfen
Die Dorfner Hemadlenzen (local carnival tradition)

Homepage of Schwindkirchen
Voluntary Fire Brigade Schwindkirchen (under construction)
Homepage of Wasentegernbach

Homepage of the municipality Eitting
Water Administration Union Moosrain

Homepage of the town Erding
Erding connectED (Civic Net)
Cycling Erding
Town band Erding
Adult Education School Erding (under construction) (under construction)

Homepage of the municipality Finsing
Water Administration Union Moosrain (under construction)
Bayern comes into being: Municipality Forstern
Eicher Friends Forstern

Homepage of the municipality Fraunberg (under construction)

Homepage of the municipality Hohenpolding

Homepage of the municipality Inning am Holz

Homepage of the market-town Isen
Brass-band Isen
Municipality censors painting (Dorothea Seror) (not available any more)
Hitwelle Isental (local radio station) (under construction)

Homepage of the municipality Kirchberg

Homepage of the municipality Langenpreising (now under construction)
Langenpreising (Civic Net)
Homepage of Kemoding (part of Langenpreising)

Homepage of the municipality Lengdorf (semi-official) (redirection to Lengdorf)

Homepage of the municipality Moosinning
Water Administration Union Moosrain

Homepage of the municipality Neuching (under construction)
Bachelors' Association Neuching (under construction) (under construction)
Water Administration Union Moosrain

Homepage of the municipality Oberding
Oberding TUS (sports club)
Homepage of Notzing (semi-official)
Water Administration Union Moosrain (under construction)

Homepage of the municipality Pastetten
TSG Pastetten 1972 (sports club)

Homepage of the municipality Sankt Wolfgang
TSV St. Wolfgang (sports club)
Lappach bei St. Wolfgang - by Alex Fischer
Gatterberg OpenAir
Schiltern (Michael Rott)

Homepage of the municipality Steinkirchen

Homepage dof the municipality Taufkirchen/Vils
Taufkirchen/Vils (Civic Net)
Homepage of Moosen/Vils (semi-official)

Homepage of the municipality Walpertskirchen
Homepage of the communal association Hörlkofen (Walpertskirchen and Wörth)
Walpertskirchen (inofficial)

Homepage of the market-town Wartenberg

Homepage of the municipality Wörth
Homepage of the communal association Hörlkofen (Walpertskirchen and Wörth)

2. Homepages of neighbouring Counties and Municipalities

2.1. Landkreis Ebersberg (Ebersberg County)

Municipality Pliening

Municipality Vaterstetten


2.2. Landkreis Freising (Freising County)

Landkreis Freising, auf den Seiten des bayerischen Landkreistages
Gemeinde Allershausen
Gemeinde Attenkirchen
Markt Au i.d. Hallertau
Große Kreisstadt Freising
Gemeinde Haag a.d. Amper
Gemeinde Kranzberg
Gemeinde Langenbach
Gemeinde Marzling
Stadt Moosburg a.d. Isar: Verwaltung
Gemeinde Neufahrn b. Freising
Gemeinde Paunzhausen
Gemeinde Rudelzhausen

Gemeinde Zolling


2.3. Landkreis Landshut (Landshut County)

Homepage des Landkreises Landshut
Bürgernetz Landkreis Landshut

2.4. Landkreis Mühldorf (Mühldorf County)

Landkreis Mühldorf
Gemeinde Ampfing
Markt Buchbach
Gemeinde Egglkofen
Markt Gars am Inn

Markt Haag in Oberbayern

Gemeinde Heldenstein

Gemeinde Jettenbach

Gemeinde Kirchdorf

Markt Kraiburg a. Inn

Gemeinde Mettenheim

Stadt Mühldorf a. Inn
Stadt Neumarkt-Sankt Veit
Gemeinde Oberbergkirchen
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Oberbergkirchen (Gemeinden Lohkirchen, Oberbergkirchen, Schönberg, Zangberg)
Gemeinde Obertaufkirchen
Gemeinde Polling: Flossing und Polling im Bürgernetz
Gemeinde Rattenkirchen
Gemeinde Schönberg
Gemeinde Schwindegg
Stadt Waldkraiburg

2.5. Landkreis München (Munich County)

Landkreis München
Landkreis München, auf den Seiten des bayerischen Landkreistages
Gemeinde Aschheim
Gemeinde Aying
Gemeinde Baierbrunn
Gemeinde Feldkirchen
Stadt Garching b. München
Gemeinde Gräfelfing
Gemeinde Grasbrunn
Gemeinde Haar
Gemeinde Hohenbrunn
Gemeinde Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn
Gemeinde Ismaning
Gemeinde Kirchheim
Gemeinde Neubiberg
Gemeinde Neuried
Gemeinde Ottobrunn
Gemeinde Pullach
Gemeinde Putzbrunn
Gemeinde Sauerlach
Gemeinde Straßlach-Dingharting
Gemeinde Taufkirchen
Gemeinde Unterföhring
Gemeinde Unterhaching
Gemeinde Unterschleißheim

3. Important websites about coats-of-arms and heraldry

3.1. General heraldry
Heraldica Heraldry pages of François Velde
The Heraldry & Coat of Arms Web Ring A web ring of (now) 36 heraldic and coat-of-arms websites
Heraldry and Coats of Arms on the Internet
The College of Arms - Main Page The heraldic authority in Great Britain
Heraldic Glossaries Glossaries and dictionaries (partly illustrated) of heraldic terms
mad alchimist HERALDRY links many interesting links, especially arms in Canada
The British Heraldic Archive
Heraldry Links by Will Linden

Seite des Hauses der Bayerischen Geschichte über Wappen Page of the Bavarian House of History about coats-of-arms

3.2. Civic heraldry
INTERNATIONAL CIVIC ARMS Coats-of-arms of municipalities in many countries, including 3770 German municipal coats-of-arms (but including obsolete ones)


Heraldry and Coats of Arms on the Internet also includes links to coats-of-arms of cities and municipalities


4. Important websites about flags

4.1. General flag sites

FOTW (Flags Of The World) The largest collection of flag informations in the WWW; it is updated and improved regularly by contributions to the FOTW Mailing List.
FRINGE: Flag Sites of the World A web ring of flag sites

YMBAV (You might be a vexillologist) many amusing and funny ways to recognize a vexillologist (flag researcher)

Vexillolinks Links to vexillological (i.e. flag-related) websites

The Flag Institute One of the two big institutes for flag research (in Great Britain)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde The German Flag Society
Zeljko Heimer's 'The Flags and Arms of the Modern Era' Flags and coats-of-arms in Southeast Europe (Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, Austria-Hungary, Slovakia)
J.Olle: Historical Flags
AssociacioCatalana de Vexillologia
Flags of the 19th and 20th centuries - Mark Sensen's Vexillological Webpages
Flags of Ireland
Drapeaux animés waving, animated flags
The FlagWire Channel - News - Flag Changes Notification - Flag Flying Days - Voting Polls

4.2. Flags of municipalities and cities

City & Town Flags City and town flags in the WWW

Artikel über ostdeutsche Städteflaggen Online version of an article about East German city flags in the Flaggenkurier, the publication organ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde
Artikel über die bayerischen Bezirkswappen und -flaggen Online version of an article about Bavarian district coats-of-arms and flags in the Flaggenkurier, the publication organ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde

Drapeaux des collectivités territoriales françaises Flags of French regions, departements and municipalities

This webpage was modified 2001-07-14 by Marcus Schmöger
